Thursday 15 March 2012

International Taekwondo Federation

International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) is a Taekwondo organization founded on April 11, 1955, by General Choi Hong Hi in Seoul, South Korea. The ITF exists to promote and encourage the growth of the Korean martial art of Taekwondo. Since South Korean Government abandoned ITF, it established World Taekwondo Federation to continue the mission of Taekwondo's globalization. Once General Choi Hong Hi was exiled out of South Korea, he returned to North Korea and introduced the organization which settled there.
In 2001, the ITF Congress voted for General Choi Hong Hi as President for four years of the six-year term, then for his son (Choi Jung Hwa) to serve as President for the remaining two years. This was overturned (whether legally or illegally is disputed) by General Choi, causing a rift between himself and his son. Choi Jung Hwa split away from his father and created another organization, which Choi Jung Hwa claimed to be the true ITF. While the majority of the TKD world stayed with General Choi, many others decided to follow Choi Jung Hwa. General Choi subsequently died in June 2002, having never reconciled with his son. On his deathbed in June 2002, General Choi allegedly said that he wanted a man known as Chang Ung, a North Korean IOC member, to take over as President. An Extraordinary Congress of the ITF was called with Chang Ung declared as the new President; but the legality of this Congress is disputed. Those claiming that the Congress was illegal (i.e. against the ITF's Constitution) held another Congress, at which Master Trần Triệu Quân (an 8th degree black belt) was elected as President. Thus there are now three organizations claiming to be the ITF.
ITF's main functions are to coordinate and approve tournaments and seminars, set standards for teaching, collaborate with affiliated member organizations, and service members in regards to rank and certifications. You can buy Olympic Taekwondo Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange.  Sport Ticket Exchange offers you all sorts of Olympic Tickets especially Olympic Taekwondo Tickets at affordable rates.

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