Friday 23 March 2012

Taekwondo Safety

Although taekwondo competitors have an apparently substantial risk of injury, most injuries are minor. A 2009 meta-analysis reported that an average of about 8% of competitors is injured per exposure to competition; age, gender, and level of play did not significantly affect the injury rate. The legs are the most common location for injuries, and bruising is the most common injury type.
Injuries may occur if students are taught to block punches in a formal manner chamber position, perfect angles, etc. even when sparring. When comparing the speed of a punch and the reaction time and time taken to block effectively, it is difficult to block a punch. Many Taekwondo schools teach students blocking for grading and class work and dodging or parrying for sparring. You can buy Olympic Taekwondo Tickets from Sport Ticket Exchange. Sport Ticket Exchange offers you all sorts of Olympic Tickets especially Olympic Taekwondo Tickets at affordable rates.

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